WoW Shadowlands Castle Nathria Race to World First

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Teams are now hot on the trail of taking down Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria’s raid on Mythic 20-man difficulty, with only two teams having cleared the last boss.

Castle Nathria is the final and most difficult raid in WoW’s new Shadowlands expansion (for now) and guilds are hard at work working to be the first to clear on the insane 20-man Mythic difficulty.

It’s called Mythic for a reason, with the amount of time and effort players put into grinding their way through the boss lineup without any guide being practically the stuff of legend.

Teams & guilds going for World’s First

Castle Nathria is widely considered one of the most challenging WoW raids to date.

The race to get the World’s First Castle Nathria Mythic clear is massive, with hundreds, if not thousands of guilds from all over the world all trying to get a full clear of all 10 bosses before anyone else.

Out of all of those though, there are about 20 guilds that have made it over halfway, clearing at least 7 of the bosses so far.

Who’s got World First?

US’ Complexity Limit smashed through the Mythic raid, taking down Sire Denathrius at 13:58 PST on December 23rd.

Followed under a day later by EU’s Echo of Tarren Mill, the guild grabbed their completion at 06:21 Christmas Eve. Now, though, as of December 28, these are the only two guilds to have taken down the lord of Revendreth.

Be sure to stick with Dexerto as well be keeping track of all the top guild’s progress as they continue to move through the hardest WoW raid to come out in recent years.

Guild (Realm)Progress (Last Kill)Current Boss
Complexity Limit (US — Illidan)10/10 (Sire Denathrius)CLEARED
Echo (EU — Tarren Mill)10/10 (Sire Denathrius)CLEARED
Pieces (EU — Stormscale)10/10 (Sire Denathrius)CLEARED
FatSharkYes (EU — Kazzak)9/10 (Stone Legion Generals)Sire Denathrius
Jitianhong (CN — Isillien)9/10 (Stone Legion Generals)Sire Denathrius
Method (EU — Twisting Nether)8/10 (Sludgefist)Stone Legion Generals
Skyline (CN — The Great Sea)8/10 (Sludgefist)Stone Legion Generals
BDGG (US — Illidan)8/10 (Sludgefist)Stone Legion Generals
Alpha (CN — Eldrethalas)8/10 (Sludgefist)Stone Legion Generals
Aversion (EU — Blackhand)8/10 (Sludgefist)Stone Legion Generals
