What is the Twitch Research community and is it legitimate?

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A number of Twitch users have received invites to join the so-called ‘Twitch Research Community’ – if you’re among them, you may be wondering what exactly it is, and if it’s even real, or a scam. 

As the leading livestreaming platform for video game content, Twitch serves a userbase of millions everyday, but is also facing stiff completion from the likes of YouTube and Facebook Gaming.

In an attempt to bolster their platform, serve the wants and needs of existing viewers, and bring more in, it appears that the Amazon-owned company is looking to gain insights from its users.

So, the Twitch Research Community is here – but what is it exactly?

Is Twitch Research community legit?

Yes, Twitch has confirmed that the emails sent out to users welcoming them to the research community are genuine, and not attempts to scam Twitch users, as some had feared.

A thread on Reddit asked “Got An email from Twitch for a survey I just wanna make sure if this is legit,” and thankfully, a senior programmer at Twitch responded, “Hey all! Just wanted to confirm that this is a real email from Twitch. Welcome to the Twitch Research community.”

So, rest assured if you received an invite, it’s not a scam. You really have been selected by Twitch to join the group.

What is the Twitch Research community?

Twitch explains that the Research team is “reaching out to creators to hear your opinions and feedback on how to make Twitch an even better place for you and the rest of the community.

“You’ll have an opportunity to sign-up for research conducted from your home. Take our surveys or participate in one-on-one discussions with Twitch staff via video chat.”

And, as well as hopefully helping Twitch to improve, there is something in it for you too. As compensation for your time on certain research opportunities, Amazon e-gift cards will be offered as a “thank you.”

How to join Twitch Research community

Currently, it appears that the only way to join the Research community is to be invited by email. If you have a Twitch account, you should check your correct email address is associated with the account, and check your email preferences, to allow messages to be sent from Twitch.

If you receive the email invitation, you’ll then have to visit the research member portal, and enroll. Once enrolled, you’ll have research opportunities that you can choose to accept or not.
