Trippy CoD Vanguard glitch turns player's game into a rave party
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A new breed of visual glitch has been discovered in Vanguard that impedes your screen with a horrific variety of colors and flashes that would be better suited to a nightclub.
No matter how playtesting is done it seems that glitches and bugs will always fall through the cracks in CoD games. In recent weeks, aside from a cheater showing his cheats during a livestream, Vanguard hasn’t had too much to shout about in terms of proper irregularities.
This has changed though as a mindboggling visual hiccup has been seen in the game. We’ve seen distorted textures that have played havoc with the map itself and its surroundings before, but this new anomaly is new for Vanguard and certainly makes for unusual gameplay.
The last thing Dome needs is an ongoing rave.Vanguard visual bug makes the player party
With the tiny nature of the Dome map and Killstreaks amongst other things, visibility can become a menace at the best of times, especially with the smoke billowing from the map’s various fires. So you’d argue that any additional visual hindrances are not ideal.
This is why when Reddit user McGitGud was suddenly hit by a glitch, they asked for “any help” regarding the issue.
Attempting to dash around the map and rack up as many kills as possible, the player was subjected to an endless onslaught of flashing and weird rainbow-like strobe effects as the character’s model was quickly malfunctioning.
As we’ve said, Warzone players will be familiar with this kind of visual glitch happening to the environment, but it never usually transfers across to the player as well.
Be warned, the video contains bright, flashing images that may not be suitable for people with epilepsy: you can check out the video in the attached link here.
It’s weird when King Kong and Godzilla in CoD aren’t the oddest things we’ve seen recently.One player suggested that the OP had “ate too many Christmas lights and now are a living Christmas light,” whereas another memed: “THE NUMBERS MASON…WHAT DO THEY MEAN?!”
To be fair, you could easily mistake this as a weird montage cutscene ripped directly from a CoD campaign. To the player’s credit, they soldiered on admirably and were still picking up kills even with this visual impediment.
Lots of users suggested that the player updated their GPU Driver, but there was no definitive answer as to why this occurred.