NICKMERCS calls for Revenant nerf in Apex Legends after Ranked loss

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NICKMERCS has called for a Revenant nerf in Apex Legends, as his switch over from Warzone has found him becoming increasingly frustrated with the “broken” Legend.

Nick started playing Apex around the time that Season 10 launched, immediately falling in love with the game after months of grinding on Warzone.

He’s been trying to work his way up to Apex Predator, spending hours upon hours in Ranked perfecting his craft, but in doing so he’s really grown to despise Revenant.

The Synthetic Nightmare was introduced to the Apex Games in Season 4 and has undergone various balancing changes since — but Nick wants to see more be done.

Revenant was released in Season 4 of Apex Legends.

He’s clearly become very good at the game, but in a video posted on September 2, NICKMERCS suffered a frustrating loss at the hands of a perfectly executed Revenant ultimate, and he wasn’t happy about it.

“The character Rev in Apex Legends, man…” he said, clearly annoyed. “He’s OP. Way too OP.”

The Twitch streamer continued: “This guy is definitely, definitely broken. I don’t know what the fix is. I see a lot of Apex guys complaining about this character. I think that if you use Rev you’re a little chicken.”

Nick isn’t the first to complain about Revenant, and he certainly won’t be the last. The Death Totem ult has been a common source of complaints among Apex players.

The character did get a slight nerf with the launch of Season 10, including a visual and audio cue when his Death Totem protection is about to end, and a brief slow after being recalled to the Death Totem.

Clearly, that wasn’t enough for Nick and many of his Apex peers. Whether we see more Revenant nerfs down the line, though, is entirely dependent on whether the dev team at Respawn thinks it’s necessary.
