Logan Paul explains why he wasn’t surprised by Ray Diaz sexual assault charges

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Social media influencer and former Team 10 member Ray Diaz was met with charges of sexual assault on August 9, after allegations against the star ran rampant online – but YouTuber Logan Paul says he’s always had a bad feeling about the situation.

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Paul spoke out on the issue during an episode of his imPaulsive podcast on August 12, claiming that he’d had a sinking feeling about Diaz ahead of his arrest.

“Every person we know who does bad things… I can feel that before it needs to be told to me,” Paul explained. “Ray Diaz, for example. Always just rubbed me the wrong fucking way. When I was around the dude, it was like, ‘There’s something here that irks me’ – and sure enough, all that shit exploded.”

(Timestamp: 1:02:40 for mobile viewers)

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Ray Diaz faces assault charges

Paul’s thoughts on the subject follow Diaz’s arrest on July 12, which law enforcement confirmed was due to suspicion of sexual assault.

His arrest followed disturbing clips posted to Instagram by his 17-year-old ex-girlfriend Angelica Salek, which contained audio of Diaz allegedly verbally and physically abusing her.

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The clips soon went viral, with Salek later releasing a tearful video claiming that she was “scared to go home” after Diaz was released on $50,000 bail – but he wasn’t scott-free for long.

Diaz has since been charged with sexual assault of a teenager and attacking a young woman, with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office releasing an official statement regarding the incident on August 9.

Ray Diaz victim Angelica scared after hearing he got out of jail on $50k Bond. pic.twitter.com/uQFUxNFmkA

— KEEM :popcorn: (@KEEMSTAR) July 14, 2019

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According to the statement, Diaz was charged with “two counts of unlawful sexual intercourse, one count each of oral copulation of a person under the age of 18, sodomy of a person under 18, injuring a cohabitant and dissuading a witness from reporting a crime.”

That’s not all: Diaz also faces “three misdemeanor counts of battery on a girlfriend” in addition to the aforementioned charges.

Twitter/Ray DiazRay Diaz is a relatively popular YouTuber, with over 300,000 subscribers on his channel.[ad name=”article5″]

Paul’s podcast discussion on the topic saw a call for change, with his fellow host hoping that “our generation starts to get to the point where enough is enough.”
