Leaked Apex Legends Hop-Up will turn weapons into paintball guns
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An Apex Legends dataminer has discovered some very interesting files within the game for a new Hop-Up attachment that could turn weapons into paintball guns in a new summertime Limited Time Mode (LTM).
It definitely looks like Apex players will be getting a new limited-time mode this summer for Season 5, and based on the in-game files discovered, things could be getting messy.
Dataminer Biast12 seems to have found several very interesting files in the game that point to a new Hop-Up for weapons that actually turns them into paintball guns.
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On June 23 Biast posted images of in-game files he found, listing a new “WPN_HOPUP_PAINTBALL” and a description of “increased magazine capacity and faster reloads. Paint-loaded rounds.”
This certainly sounds like an item that will transform weapons into straight-up paintball guns, and players will even have the option to change their bullet color as well, according to the leaks.
new HOPUP called "PAINTBALL" pic.twitter.com/fPtuUP0STo
— Biast12 (Tobias) (@Biast12) June 23, 2020
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Based on the images provided by Biast, players will be able to set their guns to shoot purple, yellow, green, or a random combination of all three colors of ammunition. The “increased capacity and faster reloads” part of the leak could definitely point to a paintball limited-time mode where shots do less damage to other players, but color a small area where they hit.
the mods it can be in pic.twitter.com/t461HMxTuK
— Biast12 (Tobias) (@Biast12) June 23, 2020
Another Twitter user posted an image of what they thought could be the new paintball hopper in-game, pulled from the Apex Legends Lost Treasures dev stream. If this is the new item and they are white/common rarity, then players should have no problem finding them among the floor loot.
I think this is the new hop up ingame. I saw this in the new dev stream. It seems to be white rarity pic.twitter.com/VLBOCafIEM
— Toddobo (@Toddobo_) June 23, 2020
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Whether or not a paintball LTM is actually headed our way or when it will begin is still technically unknown, but leakers did correctly predict Season 4’s Battle Armor mode though, so there is some credibility in datamined information, even if the details remain murky.
A paintball LTM would be perfect for an Apex Legends summer celebration, and if the devs even went as far as to tease the gun in their official stream, then we might not have to wait too long for it to kick off.