How to fix Apex Legends crashing: Animated banners cause carnage in Season 10

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Apex Legends has suffered from a number of bugs and errors throughout the years, but its animated banner crashing situation may be the worst one yet. The good news is, there’s an easy fix. 

The Apex Legends problems continue as a bug that was thought to be resolved has popped back up for many players. Back in September, Respawn began looking into the connection between pre-game crashes and the Epic rarity banners, which feature moving versions of your selected legend.

After a short investigation, the devs posted a tweet that suggested the bug had been fixed and that players were safe to re-equip their treasured banners. That hope didn’t last long though, as there have been multiple posts over on the game’s subreddit that seemingly confirm the bug is still alie and well.

While Respawn’s effort to take care of this issue might have failed, there are a few things you can do to keep Apex Legends from crashing.

Are animated banners causing Apex Legends to crash?

How to fix Apex Legends animated banner crash

While it’s not possible to totally erase this issue, there are some preemptive measures you can take. The first and most obvious one is to make sure you’ve unequipped any of these banner poses in your inventory.

While that may seem like a no-brainer, there’s no worse time to figure out that you forgot one than when you’re in the middle of a blue screen and have to restart your game.

The next solution is to play with friends whenever possible. Every person you add to your squad exponentially lowers the probability of encountering the bug and ultimately makes the lobby safer as a whole.

The animated banner bug has been the most frustrating game-crashing bug yet.

While the Apex devs have rejected the idea of Operation Health –  a season-long period dedicated to fixing the game’s various issues, similar to what Rainbow Six Siege did in 2017 – it’s clear that the game does have problems to sort out.

From the week-long server outages at the start of the new season to character-specific bugs that are close to breaking the game entirely, it seems that the issues never stop in the current state of the title. Be sure to check back in, as we’ll post updates if Respawn finds a permanent fix for this issue.
