“Hidden” Overwatch tech makes Ana and Echo ultimates much more accurate

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A little-known setting in Overwatch actually makes Ana and Echo’s ultimates much more accurate to use than ever before.

Ana and to a similar extent Echo, both have ultimates that rely on players precisely targeting another character to activate.

In the heat of battle, it’s pretty easy to hit the wrong target with either ability. Boosted battle Mercys, Nano’d Lucios, and Echo duplicating the wrong hero are nothing new, however, a simple setting change can make these mistakes go away for good.

‘Hidden’ Ana & Echo settings revolutionize gameplay

Setting to enable “target confirmation” are under the Hero section in Ana and Echo’s settings.

Under each hero’s settings, there’s an option to toggle “target confirmation” for their ultimates. You can set it to on or off. If you have this on, then you will definitely not be making anymore mistakes with your choices.

What’s nice about this is it gives you the chance to make sure you have the right target selected before you activate your ultimate. For Echo it should make it much easier to duplicate the exact hero you want to.

The same goes for Ana: you can boost the specific hero you want without failure. However, it has added utility for the healer as well. After choosing your Nano Boost target, there’s a few seconds where it will remain locked on.

This means you no longer have to keep your crosshairs on the target to activate the ultimate. For example, you can lock on to your allied Genji, wait for them to get in position, then break out a Nano Blade that’s more coordinated than ever.

This is what it looks like when you’re locked on with both Echo and Ana, before fully activating your ult.

It will even allow you to shoot Nano through walls and outside your line of sight, if your ally moves to a different spot while locked on.

This is massive for both Echo and Ana, but really opens up a whole new world of possibility for the support hero especially. If you have trouble hitting the right target with Nano, this simple switch is definitely worth checking out.
