Former CDL director Jackie Felling takes over as LCS Commissioner

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Riot Games have named Jackie Felling as the new League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) Commissioner and Head of North American LoL Esports.

Felling was formerly the Director of Product for the Call of Duty League after her time as product lead for the Overwatch League and global esports head for Gears of War.

She will take up the LCS as interim Commissioner Chris Greeley moves to Riot’s Head of Esports for NA and OCE.

“It would be easy to be intimidated by the challenge of leading the LCS product with its decade-plus history, passionate fans, engaged owners, and high expectations for North America,” she said. “But instead I feel genuinely excited to listen and learn and take time to understand what this ecosystem needs and wants.”

I am thrilled to share that I have joined Riot Games as the Head of North American League of Legends Esports and the LCS Commissioner. This opportunity couldn’t be more exciting for me. When considering my next move, I knew I… (More): 🚨 Announcement 👀

— JackieFelling (@JackFellingX) February 15, 2022

During LCS 2022, Felling will use the Spring Split to get acclimated to the LoL landscape and will be fully immersed in her new role in time for the Summer Split.

Felling is coming to the LCS with a goal of improving the league’s standing on player development. She touched on bolstering the amateur-to-pro pipeline while also providing support for current LCS talent with supplementary resources like the newly launched Champions Queue.

“I want to build a league that celebrates and supports the skill of our players and teams,” she said. “I believe a strong pipeline and amateur ecosystem is critical to the development of North America.

“I look forward to continuing to push what is needed for pipeline development, quality practice/scrim opportunities, and pro player support.”

The LCS has come a long way and Jackie Felling will lead the league into its next era.

As LCS Commissioner, Felling is targeting a stronger push for diversity while also improving on the league’s innovations around live broadcasts and events.

The competition in the LCS has been getting stronger in recent splits and it will now have an established leader in esports aiming to take it to greater heights.
