Location | Effect |
Asgard | At the end of turn 4, whoever is winning here draws 2 cards. |
Atlantis | If you only have one card here, it has +5 Power. |
Avengers Compound | On turn 5, all cards must be played here. |
Baxter Building | Whoever is winning this location gets +3 Power at the others. |
Central Park | Add a Squirrel to each location. |
Cloning Vats | When you play a card here, add a copy to your hand. |
Crimson Cosmos | 1, 2, and 3-Cost cards can’t be played here. |
Daily Bugle | Get a copy of a card in your opponent’s hand. |
Danger Room | Cards played here have a 25% chance to be destroyed. |
Dark Dimension | Cards played here are not revealed until the game ends. |
District X | Replace both decks with 10 random cards. |
Dream Dimension | On turn 5, cards cost 1 more. |
Elysium | Cards cost 1 less. |
Grand Central | At the end of turn 5, put a card from each player’s hand here. |
Hala | At the end of turn 4, destroy all cards controlled by the player losing here. |
Hellfire Club | 1-Cost cards can’t be played here. |
K’un-Lun | When a card moves here, give it +2 Power. |
Kamar-Taj | On Reveal effects happen twice at this location. |
Klyntar | Cards here have -2 Power. |
Knowhere | When you play a card here, destroy it. |
Kyln | You can’t play cards here after turn 4. |
Lechuguilla | When you play a card here shuffle 3 rocks into your deck. |
Limbo | There is a turn 7 this game. |
Los Diablos Base | At the end of turn 3, ruin a random location. |
Mindscape | At the start of turn 6, swap hands. |
Miniaturized Lab | On turn 3, 4, and 5, no cards can be added here. |
Mirror Dimension | At the end of turn 3, transform into one of the other locations. |
Mojoworld | Whoever has more cards here gets +100 Power. |
Monster Island | Add a 9-Power Monster here for each player. |
Monster Metropolis | The cards with the highest Power here get +3 Power. |
Muir Island | After each turn, give cards here +1 Power. |
Murderworld | At the end of turn 3, destroy all cards here. |
Negative Zone | Cards here have -3 Power. |
New York | On turn 6, you can move cards to this location. |
Nova Roma | Draw a card. |
Olympia | Draw 2 cards |
Onslaught’s Citadel | Ongoing effects here are doubled. |
Ruins | [no effect] |
Sakaar | Put a card from each player’s hand here. |
Sanctum Sanctorum | Cards can’t be played here. |
Savage Land | Add two Raptors on each side of this location. |
Shadowland | Add a Ninja to each side with -2 Power. |
Sinister London | When you play a card here, add a copy to another location. |
Sokovia | Discard a card from each player’s hand. |
Stark Tower | At the end of turn 5, give all cards here +2 Power. |
Strange Academy | At the end of turn 5 move all cards here to other random locations. |
Subterranea | Shuffle 5 rocks into each deck. |
The Bar With No Name | Whoever has the least Power here wins. |
The Big House | 4, 5, and 6-Cost cards can’t be played here. |
The Hub | Add a random card to each player’s hand. |
The Space Throne | Only one card can be here for each player. |
The Superflow | If you have no cards here, +1 energy each turn. |
The Vault | On turn 6, cards can’t be played here. |
Tinkerer’s Workshop | +1 Energy this turn. |
Titan | 6-Cost cards cost 1 less. |
Transia | Shuffle the locations. |
Wakanda | Cards here can’t be destroyed. |
Wakandan Embassy | Give +2 Power to cards in players’ hands. |
Washington D.C. | Cards here with no abilities have +3 Power. |
Weirdworld | Both players draw from their opponent’s decks. |
Westview | Turns into a new location on turn 4. |
Worldship | Destroy the other locations. |
X-Mansion | At the end of turn 3, add a random card here for each player. |
Xandar | Cards here have +1 Power. |
Muir Island (Added in Season 1) | After each turn, give cards here +1 Power |