CallMeCarson says he's returning "real soon" after resurfacing on Twitch

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After a seven-month hiatus from creating content, Carson ‘CallMeCarson’ King says he’s returning “real soon” after appearing on Mizkif’s Twitch stream out of the blue.

YouTube star CallMeCarson went off the grid in January after several allegations were made about him grooming underage fans.

Many content creators quickly cut ties with the YouTuber and he went dark on social media for quite some time – returning only by accident on a few occasions, once in late May, before dropping a bizarre tweet in early August.

Though, on August 13, he appeared unexpectedly on a Mizkif stream, shocking viewers who didn’t expect the crossover. Since then, he’s become the topic of conversation for many streamers who don’t want him to return.

CallMeCarson made an appearance on Mizkif’s stream.

However, while many content creators and viewers don’t want him to make a comeback, it appears as if it’ll be inevitable as Carson once again claimed that he’ll be back before people know it.

As he was ending his unexpected appearance on Twitch and bidding farewell to Mizkif, the controversial YouTuber stated that he’d be around more often at some point soon, but didn’t say exactly when that’d be.

“People are going to put this on YouTube, and I’m sure you will too… I’ll be back soon. Like, real soon,” Carson said before walking away, stopping only to wave at the camera and give Mizkif another “later” before dipping out for good.

Carson’s return to the internet would, undoubtedly, split opinions given there are people who are quick to lambast what he did, while others have no issues defending him.

Plenty of content creators have returned after similar controversies, suffering plenty of backlash along the way, but just chugging on making content for the fans that have stuck around. Though, we’ll have to wait and see how it plays out for Carson.
