Big disadvantages for Warzone players on PS4 and Xbox One found
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Popular YouTube channel Digital Foundry has revealed not-so-surprising disadvantages for base console players after testing Call of Duty: Warzone on each of the different devices for cross-platform play.
The release of Call of Duty’s second battle royale mode has attracted players from different platforms looking to test their skills in Warzone, with 15 million having dropped in already.
However, despite Modern Warfare’s support for cross-platform play, Digital Foundry has revealed there are significant disadvantages for some console players.
YouTube Digital Foundry reveals disadvantages for Xbox and Ps4 Warzone players.[ad name=”article1″]
When comparing results from all of the consoles available, PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One and Xbox One X, the tech experts revealed that two base consoles suffered some shortcomings.
Poor visibility at long range
DF’s Thomas Morgan explains that players at a longer range would often not be visible at all on regular PS4 and Xbox One, due to the consoles’ graphical limitations. “As with Blackout last year it’s this drop off in visibility, especially at range, that can sadly be the reason you miss an enemy far far away.”
“It’s just less defined and you’re at a real disadvantage when pitted against PS4 Pro, One X and especially PC players,” he continued, confirming that Warzone’s graphics on PC were a step ahead.
Topic starts at 5:29 for mobile users.
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Morgan followed up by demonstrating how different chunks of the map would be loaded in a certain way so that the game could be best optimized for console players.
Warzone FPS on consoles
Digital Foundry then moved on to testing each of the consoles’ FPS rate during a game of Warzone and found similar results with the base consoles underperforming in comparison.
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While the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X maintained a consistent 60 FPS during the matches, their base versions would drop significantly lower at stages, particularly in the early game, with lows as bad as 39 FPS on Xbox One.
Those on the PS4 would experience slightly better performance with lows on Sony’s console dropping to around 47 FPS, although it would improve as the player count decreases until eventually reaching a stable 60 FPS towards the end of the match.
Despite the inconsistencies with some of the base consoles, results like this are often expected in battle royale titles with 150 players and a massive map as seen in Call of Duty: Warzone.