ToggleDamageNumbers | Toggles floating damage numbers on the server |
AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck | Adds the player specified by their Integer encoded Steam ID to the server’s whitelist. |
BanPlayer | Add the specified player to the server’s banned list. |
Broadcast | Broadcast a message to all players on the server. |
TribeMessage | Adds a message to the specified tribe’s Tribelog. |
DisallowPlayerToJoinNoCheck | Removes the specified player from the server’s whitelist. |
DoExit | Shuts down the server as soon as possible. |
GetChat | Returns the latest chat buffer. |
GetGameLog | Print 100 entries at a time also outputs to dated file in in “\Logs”. |
GetTribeIdPlayerList | Prints a list of every player of a specified tribe with both PlayerID and SteamID in the console and in a special in-game chat window. |
TribeStructureAudit | Console output of the types and counts of a given TribeId’s structures. |
TribeDinoAudit | Console output of the types and counts of a given TribeId’s dinos. |
ServerChat | Sends a chat message to all currently connected players. |
ServerChatTo | Sends a direct chat message to the player specified by their int64 encoded steam id. |
ServerChatToPlayer | Sends a direct chat message to the player specified by their Steam name. |
SaveWorld | Forces the server to save the game world to disk in its current state. |
SetGlobalPause | Pauses everything game-related. |
SetDay | Sets the current day number. |
SetTimeOfDay | Sets the game world’s time of day to the specified time. |
ShowMessageOfTheDay | Displays the message of the day. |
UnbanPlayer | Remove the specified player from the server’s banned list. |
SetCheatPlayer | Enable cheat commands that affect the current player, mounted dinosaurs and the game world |
ClearPlayerInventory | Clears the specified player’s inventory, equipped items, and/or slot items. |
GetAllState | Prints all entities of given type to console (server console, not in-game) and to server log file ‘ShooterGame.log’ after a while if logging to file is enabled in server configurations. |
GiveExpToTarget | Same as AddExperience, but adds it to the player or dinosaur you’re currently looking at. |
GiveInfiniteStatsToTarget | Gives infinite stats to the player or dinosaur you’re looking at. |
KickPlayer | Forcibly disconnect the specified player from the server. |
Kill | Instantly kills the targeted structure or dinosaur, leaving behind a corpse. |
KillAOE | Kills all specified creatures in the designated radius. |
KillPlayer | Kills the specified player in-game |
RenamePlayer | Renames the player specified by their in-game string name. |
RenameTribe | Renames the tribe specified by its string name. |
TakeAllDino | Changes ownership of all dinosaurs of the tribe the player is currently looking at to the tribe of player. |
TakeAllStructure | Changes ownership of all structures of the tribe the player is currently looking at to the tribe of player. |
LevelUp | Auto-adds some XP, then levels up a stat on your player character, or if riding a dinosaur, on that dinosaur |
LevelUpAOE | Auto-adds some XP, then levels up a stat on all nearby players and dinosaurs in the specified radius |
LevelUpTarget | Auto-adds some XP, then levels up a stat on your targeted player or dino. |
ForceUpdateDynamicConfig | Force an update of the dynamic config. |
Teleport | Moves the player character forward in the direction the player is facing until the character collides with an object or the terrain. |
TeleportPlayerIDToMe | Teleports the player specified by their in-game ID to the current player. |
TeleportPlayerNameToMe | Teleports the player specified by their name to the current player. |
TeleportToPlayer | Teleports the current player to the player specified by their in-game ID. |
TeleportToPlayerName | Teleports the user to the player named as given in command. |
TeleportToActorLocation | Lets you teleport to a specific actor in the gameworld. |
TP | Lets you teleport to defined locations quickly. |
TPCoords | Moves the player’s character to the specified GPS position instantly. |
SPI | Does the same as SetPlayerPos but lets you set a yaw and pitch for a specified view too. |
SetPlayerPos | Moves the player’s character to the specified position instantly. |
MoveTargetTo | Sets the world location of the player or dinosaur you are currently looking at. |
TeleportToActiveHorde | Teleports you to the specified horde event. |
DestroyAll | Destroys all entities (like creatures, structures) of the specified type. |
DestroyWildDinoClasses | Destroys all wild creatures of the specified type. |
DestroyAllEnemies | Destroys all non-player creatures on the map, including tamed creatures. |
DestroyFoliage | Destroys all foliage and resource nodes in radius. |
DestroyMyTarget | Instantly destroys the creature or structure in the current player’s crosshairs, without leaving any corpse. |
DestroyStructures | Destroys all structures owned by all players on the map. |
DestroyTribeDinos | Will destroy all dinosaurs on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at. |
DestroyTribeId | Will destroy a tribe. |
DestroyTribeIdDinos | Will destroy all tames in a tribe. |
DestroyTribeIdPlayers | Will destroy all players in a tribe. |
DestroyTribeIdStructures | Will destroy all structures in a tribe. |
DestroyTribePlayers | Will destroy all players of a tribe on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at. |
DestroyTribeStructures | Will destroy all structures on the ARK, based on the Tribe owner (or player owner) of the thing that you are currently looking at. |
DestroyTribeStructuresLessThan | Destroy all the structures owned by the given tribe that have less than the given connections (snapped structures). |
DestroyWildDinos | Destroys all untamed creatures on the map. Useful for helping newly-released creatures to spawn. |
ForcePlayerToJoinTargetTribe | Forces the player specified by their in-game UE4 ID to the tribe that the target entity or structure of the current player belongs to. |
ForcePlayerToJoinTribe | Forces the player specified by their in-game UE4 ID to the tribe specified by its name. |
ForceJoinTribe | Let’s you join a targeted Tribe. |
ForceTribes | Creates a new tribe and forces specified players to join it. |
GiveAllStructure | Gives the current player ownership of all the targeted structures and all structures connected to it recursively. |
MakeTribeAdmin | Promotes you to an admin of the tribe you’re currently a member of. |
MakeTribeFounder | Makes you the founder of the tribe you’re currently a member of. |
RemoveTribeAdmin | Removes your admin status for your current tribe. |
TakeTribe | Gives you all of the tribe’s dinosaurs and structures. |
GiveCreativeMode | Sets yourself in Creative Mode. |
GiveCreativeModeToTarget | Sets the target you are visiting in Creative Mode. |
GiveCreativeModeToPlayer | Sets a certain player identified by the player’s ID in Creative Mode. |
AddExperience | Adds the specified number of experience points to the player. |
AddChibiExp | Adds the specified number of experience points to the command-executing player’s currently equipped Chibi-Pet. |
AddChibiExpToPlayer | Adds the specified number of experience points to the target player’s currently equipped Chibi-Pet. |
DebugAllowvrMissionTeleport | Allows teleport in Genesis: Part 1 to the final boss without completing missions. |
forcecompleteactivemission 0 | Completes the current mission successfully on Genesis Part 1 and Part 2. |
UnlockEngram | Unlocks Tekgram |
HideRiders | Makes a rider of a dinosaur visually invisible. You stay invisible after un-mounting. |
ChangeSize | Changes the current player’s size. |
ClearTutorials | Resets all tutorials on your client. |
EnemyInvisible | When enabled, all creatures on the map will ignore the current player, even when attacked. |
ExecSetSleeping | Puts the current player character to sleep or wakes them up |
Fly | Activates “fly mode,” permitting the player character to move freely in any direction without physics or gravity being applied. |
Ghost | Activates “no clip” mode, permitting the player character to pass freely through objects in the world that normally block movement, including the terrain itself. |
GiveColors | Gives you quantity of each dye in the game. |
GiveEngrams | Unlocks all crafting recipes for the player character. |
GiveEngramsTekOnly | Gives you all tek engrams. |
GiveTekengramsTo | Provide the partial string of a tek engram to give them to players, works similar to GFI Tekgrams unlocked this way will stay even after a relog and server restart. |
GiveExpToPlayer | Gives the specified player the specified amount of experience points. |
GiveItem | Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality. |
GiveItemNum | Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality. |
GiveItemToPlayer | Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality. |
GiveItemNumToPlayer | Adds the specified item (or its blueprint) to the player’s inventory in the specified quantity and with the specified quality. |
GiveResources | Add 50 units of each resource in the game to the player’s inventory. |
GiveSlotItem | Adds the item specified by its blueprint path into one of your item slots. |
GiveSlotItemNum | Adds the item specified by its item ID into one of your item slots. |
GiveToMe | Changes the owner of the targeted entity (structure or dinosaur) to the current player. |
GMBuff | Gives player God, InfiniteStats, EnemyInvisibleTrue, and a bunch of experience. |
EnvQA | A shortcut that internally executes GMBuff, GiveArmorSet Tek 0, stats fps, and stat unit. |
God | Toggles “god mode”. |
HideTutorial | Hides the tutorial specified by its tutorial index. |
HurtMe | Damages the player character. |
InfiniteStats | Refills the player’s health, stamina, oxygen, food & water immediately, and keeps them at their maximum level while the command is active. |
LeaveMeAlone | Combination of God, InfiniteStats, and EnemyInvisible true. |
| Opens or closes the in-game menu. |
OpenMap | Loads the map specified by its name. |
Playercommand | Currently used to give the player the ascension effect. |
SetAdminIcon | Hides the Admin Icon next to the name in chat when a player that has enabled cheats writes something. |
SetFacialHairPercent | Sets value in the range from 0 to 1. |
SetFacialHairStyle | Sets value in the range from 0 to 7. |
SetHeadHairPercent | Sets value in the range from 0 to 1. |
SetHeadHairStyle | Sets value in the range from 0 to 7. |
SetGodMode | Enables or disables god mode for the current player. |
SetTargetPlayerBodyVal | Setting a value between -1.0 and 1.0 will adjust the targeted player area. |
SetTargetPlayerColorVal | Changes the color of various parts of the body. |
| Displays the in-game menu. |
ShowTutorial | Displays the tutorial specified by its tutorial ID. |
Suicide | Kills yourself. |
ToggleInfiniteAmmo | Provides unlimited ammunition for all of the player character’s weapons. |
Walk | Deactivates “fly mode”. |
ToggleGun | Prevents the player character’s equipped item (or hands if nothing is equipped) from being displayed. |
RefillStats | Sets all stats to maximum once. |
GiveArmorSet | Gives you a full armor set of the tier specified, and equips them for you. |
GiveWeaponSet | Gives you all weapons in the specified tier, as well as the correct ammo for them. |
GiveItemSet | Gives you all items in the specified item set tier. |
ClearMyBuffs | Attempts to deactivate all of your buffs. |
SetMyTargetSleeping | Knocks out target dinosaur or player. |
MaxAscend | Unlock Alpha Overseer and Alpha Rockwell ascensions for the player matching the given ID. |
DefeatBoss | Unlock the given boss for the player matching the given ID. |
DefeatAllBosses | Unlock all the bosses of alpha difficulty for the player matching the given ID. |
GiveAllExplorerNotes | Unlock all the explorer notes for every ark for the player issuing the command. |
GiveExplorerNote | Unlock the note matching the specified index. |
AddHexagons | Adds the specified amount of hexagons to the player issuing the command. |
InfiniteWeight | Toggle infinite weight. |
DestroyAll | Destroys all creatures of the specified type, both wild and tamed. |
DestroyAllEnemies | Destroys all non-player creatures on the map, including tamed creatures. |
DoTame | Tames the targeted creature if the creature is capable of being tamed, activating all triggers as if the player had tamed the creature normally. |
DumpDinoStats | Dumps the stats for the dinosaur you are riding or looking at to the cheat console output. |
ForceTame | Immediately tames the dinosaur under the player’s crosshairs. |
ForceTameAOE | Force tames every dino in a specified radius, default’s to 2000 if no number is given. |
RainCritters | Spawns a mix of sheep and dodos above the player, cannot change the creatures as it’s hard coded into the game. |
RainDinos | Spawns a mix of trikes and parasaurs above the player, cannot change the creatures as it’s hard coded into the game. |
RainDanger | Spawns a mix of rexes and allos above the player, cannot change the creatures as it’s hard coded into the game. |
SDF | Spawn a creature of the specified type in front of the player character. |
SetBabyAge | Sets the age of the target baby dinosaur. |
SetImprintQuality | Sets value in the range from 0 to 1 (= 100%) of the target baby or adult bred dinosaur. |
SetImprintedPlayer | Changes the imprinted player of the target dinosaur to the provided player name/ID. |
SetStatOnTarget | Changes the current value on the set stat. |
TransferImprints | Transfers all dinos that are imprinted on the oldPlayerId to the newPlayerId. |
SetTargetDinoColor | Sets the dinosaur you target to specified color/s. |
SpawnActor | Spawns the entity specified by its blueprint path at a random level. |
SpawnActorSpread | Spawns a number of entities in the specified area. |
SpawnDino | Spawns a leveled dino specified by its blueprint path. |
Summon | Spawn a creature of the specified type at the place of the player character. |
SummonTamed | Spawn a force-tamed creature of the specified type at the place of the player character. |
GMSummon | Spawn a creature of the specified type at the place of the player character and tame it. |
GiveDinoSet | Spawns a set of dinos in the specified tier, fully set up with reasonably optimized stats and saddles. |
SpawnExactDino | Spawns a dinosaur specified by the parameters. |
SpawnSetupDino | Spawns a fully set up dino with the specified saddle, tamed at Level with random base stats, and pre-applied levels to the selected stats up to 88 total levels. |
ForcePoop | Forces the dino you are riding (or if not riding a dino, the dino you are looking at) to poop. |
ClearCryoSickness | Clears the cryo-sickness status of the tame you are looking at and wakes it up. |
Dino Reset | Resets all blink cooldowns. |
Dino InfiniteBlink | Don’t use blink cooldown slots, just always allow blinking. |
DinoSet Cooldowns | Set the number of blink cooldown slots the enforcer has. |
Dino DontHideRiderDuringBlink | Prevents the Enforcer from touching rider visibility during blink, allowing the HideRiders cheat to work as it does for other dinosaurs. |
DinoSet Blink | Sets the blink vfx (forwards) to the specified percentage. |
DinoSet BlinkBack | Sets the blink vfx (backwards) to the specified percentage. |
Dino Inflate | Sets current inflation to maximum. |
DinoSet Inflate | Increases inflation by a specific amount (also accepts negative numbers to reduce inflation). |
Dino InfiniteGas | Constantly refills inflation to keep it at maximum (toggle). |
Dino TitanMode | Multiplies the inflation by 10x. |
Dino Reset | Resets Mek fuel to maximum and heat level to zero. |
Dino InfiniteFuel | Keeps fuel at 100%. |
DinoSet Fuel | Adds or subtracts the amount of fuel specified. |
Dino NoHeat | Keeps heat at 0%. |
Dino ToggleUpkeep | Disables/Enables Mek upkeep |
DinoSet UpkeepInterval | Sets the Mek’s upkeep interval in seconds. |
Dino ReplayIntro | Makes the MegaMek invisible, then replays the intro effect VFX. |
DinoSet Blink | Sets the blink/intro effect to that level. |
DinoSet EatTime | Sets the time in seconds between sitting down to digest |
Dino DestroyRightNode | Dismembers right arm and destroys the node. |
Dino DestroyLeftNode | Dismembers left arm and destroys the node. |
Dino DestroyCenterNode | Destroys the center node. |
CopyCoordsToClipboard | Copies your current coordinates and rotation to your clipboard in the form: X Y Z Yaw Pitch. |
DebugStructures | Toggles the display of debug information on structures when you look at them, including the structure’s class name and entity ID. |
Stat | Enables an on-screen display showing various debug information. |
ShowDebug | Enables an on-screen overlay showing various debug information. |
SetGraphicsQuality | Sets your client’s graphics quality. |