Apex Legends players want a 'Game History' feature for next season
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A highly requested feature for Apex Legends Season 5 would give players the ability to analyze their performances with a Game History tool of previous matches played.
Since Apex launched in early 2019, Respawn have slowly incorporated more stats-based features to their battle royale. Not only has this given players better metrics to improve upon or aim for, it’s also been a thrill for a community deeply ingrained in their number-crunching like which weapons kill the fastest and the like.
However, comparing individual performances would get a huge quality of life improvement, if there were a way to have a series of previous state lines available to dissect.
A Game History could give players more tools to improve in Apex Legends.[ad name=”article1″]
Working toward that, user ‘TheTyGoss’ created a mock-up of their Game History layout that would be located under a stats tab within the client.
From this page, people would get a better overall sense of how they have been performing as well as get a decent breakdown for stats like time survived, damage dealt, and more.
“I’d also love to see stats given more visibility in the game,” TheTyGoss said. “My mockup proposes we move stats to a new top level tab, with multiple screens underneath that section.”
With Apex Season 5 right around the corner, I mocked up a Game History screen I’d love to see added next season. from apexlegends
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Looking at how numbers can pan out from Trios mode, to limited time modes such Battle Armor Evo, and even Ranked started to look appealing with a community who would like similar content in Apex.
There is strong vocal support for more content that dives into the breakdown of matches, as players would like to see how their Legend performs in the Apex Games.
“I can think of a laundry list of stat related UI stuff I’d love,” user ‘yummycrabz’ said. “One major one involves stats based on the phase of the round. In soccer/footie, you can see teams/players stats depending on if the action happened in the 10th-19th minutes, 20th-29th, etc.”
A breakdown of Apex Legends performances can tell someone if they’ve been dying the same way too many times.[ad name=”article3″]
Stats based on minutes only scratches the surface of the kind of number analytics the Apex community wants now that there isn’t much time before the start of Season 5.
With the devs introducing a new character and a ton of features, Apex Legends Season 5 could indulge in fan service by finding a way to give people detailed ways to look at their performances.