Apex Legends players call for simple change to Bangalore's ultimate: "Tired of everyone saying she's balanced"

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Apex Legends players are calling for Respawn Entertainment to implement a simple change to Bangalore’s ultimate as the community is sick of hearing the character is “balanced.”

As one of Apex’s eight original Legends, Bangalore was often seen as a favorable alongside the likes of Wraith and Pathfinder during the game’s infancy.

However, twelve new Legends later, her favorability has dropped a bit. And even though she’s still amongst the top ten in pick-rates according to Apex Legends Status, fans want something to change, specifically her ultimate.

Bangalore was a favored offense-based pick to start Apex Legends.

Apex Legends players call for a simple change to Bangalore’s ultimate

As it stands, Bangalore’s ultimate, Rolling Thunder, calls in an artillery strike that slowly sweeps across the landscape. Once the artillery is buried into the ground, it explodes, stunning and dealing damage to any enemy as well as herself.

But some players want that changed as Reddit user, Lencor, proposed the question, “What if Bangalore’s ultimate instead of slowing and damaging her would trigger her passive speed boost like in the actual Apex trailer?”

What if Banga’s ult instead of slowing and dmg her, would trigger her passive speed boost like in the actual Apex trailer? from apexlegends

The question was polarizing, as it prompted a handful of differing comments from other Apex Legends fans on the post that both agreed and disagreed with it.

One Redditor said, “She doesn’t need many changes currently.” However, they provided what’s on their wish list. “But being able to be more precise with her ult would make so much more sense based on the character build. Just give her a laser and a maximum range.”

Another user is losing their mind as players think Bangalore is balanced. “I’m sick and f**king tired of everyone always saying that bang is balanced,”

Bangalore’s Ultimate calls in an artillery strike that slowly creeps across the landscape.

They added, “Her kit might be fairly balanced, but it’s that fact that there f**king 25,781,637,862 scan counters to her smoke in this f**king game. Everyone saying this would be overpowered, no it wouldn’t. This is actually a very good idea on OP’s (original poster) side of things.”

It’s not guaranteed that Respawn Entertainment will change her ultimate as no charcater has seen an overahul of that scale yet. But one thing is certain, the community is passionate about seeing her ultimate get a makeover.
