Apex Legends mod adds CSGO surfing with custom map
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Apex Legends’ in-game movement system is incredibly satisfying, but this CSGO-style mod brings surfing to Respawn’s battle royale.
Thanks to R5Reloaded, Apex Legends players have been creating a variety of whacky and interesting mods. This custom Apex Legends client allows players to make custom game modes, create new weapons, and even add entirely new abilities. From Fortnite-style building mechanics to Titanfall’s infamous Smart Pistol, there is a seemingly never-ending slew of mods.
However, the latest mod that is getting a lot of interest over on the Apex Legend Reddit page is a mod that brings CSGO surfing to the game. This fast-paced mode enables players to travel around the map at high speeds, demonstrating just how fun this fan-made minigame can be.
CSGO surfing added to Apex Legends
CSGO surfing has been added to Apex Legends with this new mod.In order to surf in CSGO, players must first adjust the acceleration and gravity of the game. Once the rules and appropriate changes have been made, players can travel around custom maps at high speeds. Not only do players compete for the best times, but they also ramp up the difficulty by creating new courses.
As both Apex Legends and CSGO use the Source engine, modders can use techniques available in both games. Bunny hopping and strafe jumping are just two examples of this crossover. Because of these shared features, popular custom game modes like CSGO’s surfing levels can be recreated in Apex.
CSGO surfing in Apex Legends from apexlegends
Renowned modder Skeptation demonstrated this by creating their very own Apex Legends surfing map. During the video, the player can be seen gliding through the course at breakneck speed. The angle of the ramps ensures that Octane is constantly moving, while the gravity has been adjusted to make jumping between each structure possible.
Skeptation uses Octane to effortlessly run through the course, passing by floating test dummies at incredible speed before leaping through various obstacles. While surfing may not be new to CSGO’s playerbase, it will be interesting to see what courses are made in Apex Legends.