Apex Legends leak reveals Shadowfall LTM returning with a twist
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A new variant of the Shadowfall limited-time mode looks set to descend on Apex Legends for an upcoming Halloween event, according to new leaks.
Shadowfall is a limited time-mode which first made its appearance during Apex Legends’ Season 3 Fight or Fright Collection event in October 2019.
The LTM is set on the abandoned Kings Canyon map at night, where players have to try and escape the island before being infected by the Shadows.
Shadowfall LTM is returning to Apex Legends with a twist this Halloween!The infection-style game mode now looks set to return to Apex Legends, after leaks from prominent data miner shrugtal pointed towards a new playlist.
While it was previously leaked that Respawn had been eyeing up a return to the fan-favorite LTM, the new version of Shadowfall seems to have some more twists in-store for Apex players.
Shrugtal shared that a new variant of the game mode called ‘Shadow Royale’ would be released and added that it was expected to go live this Halloween.
Recent patch data shows that Shadowfall appears to be making a return this Halloween, in a variant called "Shadow Royale".
No other information other then that the Infected and Spiders that popped out the lootbins will be making a regular appearance in this mode.
— Shrugtal (@shrugtal) August 21, 2020
“Recent patch data shows that Shadowfall appears to be making a return this Halloween, in a variant called ‘Shadow Royale’.” shrugtal revealed. However, the data miner explained that there was little new information about this variant in the game files yet, meaning that fans will likely have to wait a bit longer to see what awaits.
Although it is expected to go live during Halloween, a release date for the “Shadow Royale” playlist has not been shared as of yet.
Respawn has also yet to officially announce a Halloween event for the popular battle royale but, following the Fight or Fright event in 2019, it is quite possible that another is planned for this year.