Apex Legends heirloom idea for Fuse ties in his love of explosives
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A Fuse heirloom concept that equips the Explosive Expert with a grenade flail has gone viral in the Apex Legends community.
Although Apex Legends players love collecting skins, gun charms, and banners from all the latest events, nothing is more sought-after than the Legend-specific heirlooms.
These incredibly rare items can only be obtained through collection events or at a 1 in 500 drop rate in packs. Rampart recently recieved her Problem Solver Heirloom alongside her very own takeover event.
As these items are incredibly rare, Respawn has to make sure they’re detailed and match their respective character’s themes perfectly.
This can take a long time, so some members of the Apex community take it upon themselves to make their own heirloom designs.
Fuse was released in Apex Legends Season 8.Heirloom concept equips Fuse with Grenade Flail
A thread on the Apex Legends subreddit showcasing a grenade flail heirloom for Fuse has gone viral in the community.
Delsigart’s design combines a heavy-duty melee weapon with Fuse’s love of explosives, forming this unbelievably lethal flail. With a patterned red grip and patches of gold plating, it looks exactly the type of weapon Fuse would have attached to his belt.
Named the ‘Salvo Handshake’, Delsigart’s name choice even references Fuse’s home and harkens back to the incident with Maggie before he left for the Apex Games.
(OC) Fuse Heirloom Concept – Grenade Flail from apexlegends
The hardest aspect of an heirloom is tieing it to a character perfectly, as it has to match their theme and represent them in a unique way.
Luckily, Delsigart has nailed it with this design and created a weapon that any player would be scared to face up against.
While it’s unlikely that Respawn will adopt this exact concept, let’s hope the devs at least use it for inspiration, as it’s obvious the community loves Delsigart’s design.
With the grenade flail receiving so much attention from players, it’s certainly raised the bar when it comes to Fuse’s heirloom.