Apex Legends fan creates hilarious tracker idea to replace "useless" stats

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As the Apex Legends ecosystem continues to change, some of the title’s tracker cosmetics have been made redundant. However, one fan has a hilarious, but somewhat genius, plan to solve this problem. 

One of the cosmetic items players covet most in Apex Legends are the trackers, which are equipped to your banner to show off your in-game prowess.

While your banner can be kitted out with a variety of different items, including badges such as the new Pride Month one, the trackers are the thing that truly strike fear into the hearts of your opponents. When someone has insane damage stats, it feels like you’ve already lost before you even drop into game.

As Apex continues to evolve, though, several of the trackers have been rendered useless as Legend abilities are added and removed. If you’ve got a whole lot of redundant trackers it might seem bleak, but one fan has come to the rescue.

Lifeline’s Season 9 nerf has left fans with some meaningless trackers.

Fan solves Apex Legends tracker problem

As with every game, each new patch can totally alter a character’s playstyle. Using Lifeline as an example, one fan has pointed out that this causes some of the in-game trackers to become totally unnecessary.

Coming into Season 9, the fan-favorite medic had her Combat Revive shield removed. Despite this, the tracker for “revive shield: damage blocked” remains in the game despite not serving any purpose.

To solve this issue, one fan has suggested that Respawn give players a different tracker of the same value as the previous one.

While they state that the new stat should be equally as useless, and suggests “Mozambiques: pinged” as an alternative, the actual concept makes a lot of sense!

Of course, the comments have descended into absolute chaos, with players writing that they want stats for things like “doors opened,” but there’s actually some method behind the madness.

If Respawn gave players the option to “disassemble”old trackers into crafting metals which, in turn, can be used to create other cosmetics, this would be an easy fix to what could potentially become a pretty irritating issue.

Will the devs implement this? Who knows, but all we want is a “Nessies: Amount placed” tracker for Wattson. Just saying.
